An important part of the work we do here at Eastgate involves the members of our communities! Your feedback is essential to our planning process. Listed on this page are projects, programs and documents with open public comment periods, during which we want to hear your thoughts.
Beyond these listings with specific comment periods, we will always be here to listen to your comments. If you have thoughts about any other programs or projects not shown below, please reach out via our contact page. Through your participation, you can help Eastgate and our partners better serve your community.
Eastgate Projects Open For Comment
As it says in the document, the goal of the Public Participation Process is to provide a fully engaged public forum between those decision-making entities from state and local agencies, public officials, and citizens concerning transportation issues and the participation process.
We are asking our community members in Trumbull, Mahoning and Ashtabula to read through the document and give us any feedback you may have. For example, are our methods of outreach effective in notifying you of meetings, opportunities for funding, comment periods, etc.?
Feel free to let us know which of our methods is most likely to reach you, and which ones you haven’t seen. For example, if you don’t receive the newsletter, did you know there is a sign-up button under the upcoming meetings listed on our front page?
Eastgate strives to serve our communities, and so community engagement is an essential part of our process. We want to hear your thoughts on the Public Participation Plan, and how we can make the public forum we provide as inviting and engaging as possible.
Comment on the PPP