The Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) District Six Integrating Committee is seeking nominations to fill one seat in categories 2 and 3 and two (2) at-large seats. The District Six Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC) is defined in Section 164.21 (A) of the Ohio Revised Code. Each position will serve a three-year term. At -large nominations may be from any one of the five NRAC member categories listed below:
- A county, municipal corporation, township, conservancy district, regional or joint district or unit of local government, or regional or joint political subdivision that is located within the geographical jurisdiction of the District 6 Integrating Committee.
- A conservation organization, and environmental advocacy organization, and an organization with a primary interest in watershed protection and restoration, the department of natural resources, the environmental protection agency, or the United States natural resource conservation service.
- A city park system or a metropolitan park system or a board of park commissioners from a county that is located within the geographical jurisdiction of the District 6 Integrating Committee, a statewide parks and recreation organization, or the United States national park service.
- A statewide organization representing agriculture, and an organization representing forestry interests, the department of agriculture, or the United States department of agriculture.
- An organization representing business, local Realtors, or a planning agency, including a port authority, located within the geographical jurisdiction of the District 6 Integrating Committee.
No organization, unit of government, or agency listed shall nominate more than one individual to serve on the NRAC or be represented by more than one member on the NRAC at any given time. The membership of the NRAC shall reflect the demographic and economic diversity of the population located within the geographic area represented by the NRAC.
The NRAC is responsible for allocating funds made available to Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) District Six (Mahoning and Trumbull Counties) through the Clean Ohio Greenspace Conservation Fund program. The program is designed to fund preservation/restoration of open space and/or the protection and enhancement of riparian corridors and watersheds. Eligible projects are reviewed and selected by the District Six NRAC in accordance with Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 164.24. Members of NRAC may not be compensated for personal or professional services provided, through contract or employment, for any project considered for Commission funding by the NRAC.
Anyone interested in serving on the NRAC must submit the following:
- A letter of nomination from the appropriate nominating organization’s director;
- Completed nomination form; and
- A current resume or summary of qualifications.
Nomination forms are available on Eastgate’s website:
Nominations shall be submitted on or before 3:00 pm Tuesday, October 31st, 2023 to the District Six Clean Ohio Conservation Fund Liaison, Stephanie Dyer, via email Additional information regarding the Clean Ohio Greenspace Conservation Fund program can be found on the OPWC website,