Public Comment Period - Mosquito/Warren 201 Facility Planning Area Boundary Amendment

01 August 2024

Eastgate is entering a 45-day comment period for the Trumbull County Sanitary Engineer’s request to modify the Mosquito 201 Facility Planning Area (FPA) and Warren 201 FPA.  The modification requests the Mosquito 201 FPA and Warren 201 FPA boundary to accommodate sanitary sewer infrastructure to a parcel on Perkins Jones Rd.  The parcel, Parcel No. 31-001410, is currently located in the Warren 201 FPA, where sanitary sewer infrastructure is not accessible to the parcel.  Modifying the Mosquito 201 FPA will enable a practical and cost effect approach to providing sanitary sewer service via nearby county infrastructure where waste will be transferred and treated at the Mosquito wastewater treatment plant.

The comment period ends on September 14th, 2024.  All comments may be submitted via email to Stephanie Dyer, Environmental Program Manager, .

The Trumbull County Sanitary Engineer is the Designated Management Agency (DMA) for the Mosquito 201 FPA and is the city of Warren is the DMA for the Warren 201 FPA. Only DMAs can request a modification to their respective 201 FPA but must discuss the project and have concurrence when the amendment includes a neighboring FPA.  In the end the Ohio EPA cannot issue a Permit to Install for a project in conflict with the region’s 208 Plan.

View the Mosquito 201 Amendment Packet