ODOT Announces Virtual Public Open House for Interstate 680 Rehabilitation Project

11 December 2024

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) District 4 invites the public to participate in a virtual open house public involvement event by viewing a pre-recorded online presentation to learn more about the proposed Interstate 680 rehabilitation project between the I-80/State Route 11 interchange to just past the South Avenue interchange in Austintown Township and the city of Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio. To view the presentation, please visit: publicinput.com/MAH-680

The project proposes pavement replacement/rehabilitation along I-680 and the associated entrance/exit ramps, permanent closure of the entrance ramp from Mahoning Avenue to I-680 southbound, bridge maintenance/rehabilitation, removal of the Lanterman Road bridge over I-680, storm water drainage improvements and other upgrades.   

The proposed project is currently in the planning phase which includes environmental studies and preliminary plan development.  The project will be constructed in two stages.  The southern section between the SR 193 interchange to just past the South Avenue interchange will begin in the Winter of 2026 and last until the Fall of 2027. The northern section between the I-80/SR 11 interchange to the SR 193 interchange will begin in the Winter of 2028 and last until the Fall of 2029.

The purpose of the virtual open house public involvement event is to provide an overview of the project, provide more details about the project purpose and need, alternatives considered, the Mahoning Avenue ramp closure, environmental and right-of-way impacts, ramp closures and detours, project funding, project schedule and receive valuable feedback from the public and local stakeholders.

The virtual open house public involvement event will begin December 26, 2024, and last through January 27, 2025. Available project information (e.g., presentation, comment form, etc.) may be requested from the contacts below or can be viewed on the project website: publicinput.com/MAH-680

Public input is an important part of the project development process and provides valuable feedback that helps guide decision-making through all phases of development.  We invite the public to visit the project website, view the presentation, review the available project information, and submit your questions or comments. Comments regarding the project may be submitted via email, on the project website, or by direct contact at the email or phone number below. Comments received by January 27, 2025, will be considered during this stage of project development, but all comments received will receive a reply.  A summary of comments received, and responses will be posted to the project website.

Individuals who do not have internet access and would like these materials mailed to them or those who require interpretation/translation services or reasonable accommodations to view the presentation or provide comments, please contact Sean Carpenter (contact information below) as soon as possible. Public participation in this project is solicited without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability.

For questions/comments regarding the project, please contact: 

Sean Carpenter

Email: Sean.Carpenter@dot.ohio.gov 

Phone: 330-786-2274