Request For Proposals: Air Quality Monitoring

24 January 2025

The Eastgate Regional Council of Governments (Eastgate) is seeking an organization to provide daily ozone and PM2.5 forecasting for Mahoning and Trumbull Counties, Ohio. The contract is from April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2026, with two optional one-year extensions, which can be exercised by Eastgate carrying through March 31, 2028.

Eastgate created the Air Quality Advisory Day Program in 1999 as a proactive measure to address the air quality problems associated with increased levels of ozone and have now broadened the program to include PM2.5 forecasting. The Eastgate Regional Council of Governments Air Quality Program informs, educates, and alerts individuals, businesses and organizations of the voluntary actions that can be taken to reduce ground-level ozone and particle pollution. The Air Quality Program provides the public with information regarding the forecasted and monitored ozone and PM2.5 levels, real-time data, daily forecast notification, as well as educational information, in Mahoning and Trumbull Counties.

The agency currently works with local media to inform the public about the health risks associated with elevated levels of ozone and particle pollution and offers voluntary tips to reduce the effects of each and the heightened health risks for the elderly, children, and those with respiratory or heart conditions. Currently, daily air quality forecasts are provided to the media and interested participants via e-mail notification, which enables residents to plan their activities and minimize the health risks associated with ozone and PM2.5.

Firms interested in being considered for selection must respond by submitting their proposal via email by 2 p.m. EDT on Friday, February 14, 2025. Proposal submissions should be in .pdf format.

Read the Full RFP