Regional Wastewater Planning

The 208 Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (AWQMP), or 208 Plan, is the regional wastewater plan for Mahoning and Trumbull Counties. The 208 Plan is a requirement under Section 208 of the federal Clean Water Act to identify and address pollution problems within Eastgate’s metropolitan planning area. The plan concentrated on the design and construction of wastewater treatment facilities and related infrastructure. The original 1977 plan laid the groundwork to ensure public investments in the facilities were planned according to growth trends and effective at enhancing water quality. Today, the 208 Plan assesses existing water quality conditions and population trends, identifies regional critical resources, addresses non-point source pollution trends, and reassesses wastewater facility planning via the region's wastewater treatment planning prescriptions.

Eastgate Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (AWQMP) - 2022 Update

    201 Facility Planning Areas (FPAs)

    By federal law, the Ohio EPA cannot issue a permit to install for wastewater infrastructure if it conflicts with the plan. Each Ohio EPA Permit to Install (PTI) application requires a determination whether or not the project conforms to the 208/201 Plan for the area. A 201 Facility Planning Area (FPA) is a demarcated area in which current and/or future wastewater is accounted for either within a designated wastewater treatment facility's service area or via a home sewage treatment system. The 201 Facility Planning Area (201 FPA) maps must be consulted to determine: 1) appropriate identification of FPA and receiving wastewater treatment plant and 2) whether the project conforms with the wastewater treatment options available for said project area. The Ohio EPA uses the existing 201 Facility Plans as a guide to issue documents such as Permits-to-Install (PTI's) for sanitary sewer extension projects and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits issued for all discharges to waters of the State.

    201 Facility Planning Areas Interactive Map

    Mahoning County Wastewater Treatment Options

    Trumbull County Wastewater Treatment Options

    Amending the 208 Plan

    Eastgate’s 208 Plan is a working document and may be amended to meet the infrastructure and planning needs of our region. Qualified entities wishing to amend the 208 Plan must follow Eastgate's AWQMP Amendment Process. The amendment procedure is in place to allow communities time to discuss and agree to service changes and to allow Eastgate’s governing boards the necessary time to review and vote on such changes. This process was created by Eastgate, wastewater designated management agencies from Mahoning and Trumbull Counties, and the Ohio EPA.

    Eastgate's AWQMP Amendment Process