Infrastructure, Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA)

The IIJA is an historic investment in America’s core infrastructure needs – roads, bridges, ports, broadband, water infrastructure, and other important assets. There are many avenues for funding through the IIJA, and Eastgate is excited for the potential opportunities it may present to our communities. Eastgate will continue to monitor the IIJA and update this page with more information and opportunities.

IIJA Overview

At the March 2022 General Policy Board Meeting, Eastgate presented an overview of the IIJA and the funding opportunities that will be available through the bill. The overview - as presented by Director of Transportation & Infrastructure Ken Sympson - can be viewed below.

A pdf of the IIJA Overview can also be found at the link below.

Read the Overview

Current Solicitations

Programs (with link)Amount Available Applications Due
 Highway Use Tax Evasion $4,190,000 4/22/2022
 America's Marine Highway Program $24,250,000 4/29/2022
 Port Infrastructure Development Grants $450,000,000 5/16/2022
 Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program $300,000,000 5/23/2022
 MEGA $1,000,000,000 5/23/2022
 INFRA $1,553,000,000 5/23/2022
 Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Program $372,000,000 5/31/2022
 Low or No Emission Grant Program $1,100,000,000 5/31/2022
 National Scenic Byways Program Grants and Technical Assistance $22,000,000 6/20/2022
 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program FY2022$1,000,000,0009/15/2022


The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) is a new discretionary grants program under BIL that supports local initiatives to prevent transportation-related death and serious injury on our roadways. The SS4A web content is now live on The web content includes links that allow registration to pre-application information webinars.

The NOFO for this program has just been posted. Below are the links: