FY 2024 - 2027 Final
If you’d like to find out about past, present, and future transportation in Mahoning and Trumbull Counties, then please view the FY 2024 - 2027 Transportation Improvement Program here. The document contains details and funding sources for over 135 projects totaling over $310 million in funding over the four years.
VIEW THE FY 2024-2027 TIP
View TIP FY 2024-2027 Interactive Map
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
As the Metropolitan Planning Organization for Mahoning and Trumbull Counties, Eastgate is required to prepare a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for our study area that meets the requirements of the Moving Ahead for Program in the 21st Century and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act. The TIP is developed every two years in conjunction with the Ohio Department of Transportation and local transit operators. The TIP must be consistent with Eastgate’s 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan and local transportation and transit plans.
The TIP contains separate sections for highway and transit improvements. These improvements are proposed by the lead agency responsible for their implementation, and are then reviewed by our Technical Advisory Committee, Citizens Advisory Board, and General Policy Board before being programmed into the TIP by Eastgate.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Stephen Zubyk (szubyk@eastgatecog.org).
Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG)
The Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) provides flexible funding for a wide variety of projects including highways and bicycle / pedestrian facilities. Funding for STBG projects is assigned to Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) areas by Congress. The Ohio Department of Transportation sub allocates a portion of their statewide STBG funding to Ohio MPO’s.
STBG funds are the most versatile and may be used for any project that is recommended in, or consistent with Eastgate’s 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. STBG funds can be used on any federal aid roadway classified above a local road. Bridge projects can be located on any public road.
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)
The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ) provides funding for projects and programs in air quality non-attainment and maintenance areas for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter which reduce transportation related emissions. The Ohio Department of Transportation sub allocates a portion of their statewide CMAQ funding to the Ohio Statewide Urban CMAQ Committee.
In determining project eligibility, only projects that have documented ozone emissions and particulate matter reductions can be considered. These projects may include signalization and operation highway improvements including: roundabouts, replacement of retrofit of diesel buses, alternatives fuel programs, rideshare projects, and park-and-ride projects.
Transportation Alternatives Set Aside (TAP)
The Transportation Alternatives Set Aside Program (TAP) is intended to encourage transportation related activities that go beyond the customary cultural or environmental mitigation required when developing a transportation improvement project. The intent of the program is to creatively integrate transportation improvement facilities into their surrounding communities and the natural environment. TAP projects must show a direct relationship to the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program.
TAP projects can be either supplemental to a planned roadway project, or in limited cases, a standalone project. Both Eastgate and the Ohio Department of Transportation encourage adding alternatives to planned program projects.
Criteria and Application