Our transportation system consists of many parts that work together to move people and goods within metropolitan areas, statewide and throughout the country. Transportation plays a vital role in today’s economy, providing access to jobs, education, shopping, and recreation. Eastgate’s role as an MPO is to conduct a comprehensive, coordinated, and continuing transportation planning process.

Serving as a regional partner with the United States Department of Transportation [U.S. DOT], Ohio Department of Transportation [ODOT], member communities,

local elected officials, the business community, and citizens across the two county area. Eastgate leads in the development of the region’s Long-Range Transportation Plan and Short Range Transportation Improvement Program. Eastgate contributes to ongoing conversations about issues regarding land use, economic development, climate change, energy use, and the environment.

Eastgate is committed to providing the region with leadership in planning, funding, and development of a regional multi-modal transportation system.

 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Director of Transportation and Infrastructure Stephen Zubyk.

Transportation Projects

Metropolitan Transportation Plan

Transportation Improvement Program

Youngstown Smart2 Network

LIVE Zone Logo

Transportation Programs

Air Quality

Congestion and Asset Management

Bike and Pedestrian Planning

gohio commute

Regional Safety Planning

Transit Planning

2020 Transportation Planning Certification Review


Every four years, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) must certify that each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) serving a transportation management area (TMA) – a designation by DOT of an urbanized area with a population over 200,000 as defined by the Bureau of the Census or smaller urbanized areas on request by the Governor and MPO – is carrying out the metropolitan planning process in adherence with federal statutes and regulations. FTA and FHWA conduct a review of the metropolitan planning process within each TMA and jointly issue this certification on behalf of the DOT Secretary, in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 5303(k).

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) conducted a Certification Review of the Transportation planning process for the Youngstown area in 2020. FHWA and FTA jointly view the Certification Review as an opportunity to cooperatively assess the transportation planning process within the region per Federal requirements. A Certification Review is accomplished through three phases including a desktop review, site visit, and documentation of the process in a report.

2020 Eastgate Certification Review Initiation Letter

For more information on the Certification Review process, please visit - https://www.transit.dot.gov/regulations-and-guidance/transportation-planning/certification-review


23 CFR 450 - Planning Assistance and Standards - Federal transportation planning regulations (this link goes to the highway version--the transit version, adopted by FTA at 49 CFR 613, is an identical copy which incorprates this section by reference).

FTA Circular 8100.1D - Program Guidance for Metropolitan Planning and State Planning and Research Program Grants - FTA program guidance for metropolitan planning and state planning and research program grants.

FAST Act Fact Sheet: Metropolitan, Statewide, & Non-Metropolitan Planning - Brief FTA fact sheet on the planning provisions in the FAST Act.

FHWA FAST Act Fact Sheet: Metropolitan Planning - FHWA fact sheet on the metropolitan planning provisions of the FAST Act.

U.S. Code Title 49, Chapter 53 - Public Transportation - This is the public transportation section of U.S. Code. The Metropolitan Transportation Planning statute is found at Section 5303; Statewide Transportation Planning is found at Section 5304; and Planning Programs are found at Section 5305. The Metro and Statewide Planning sections are identical to the corresponding sections of Federal Highways code, 23 U.S.C. 134 and 135.

Additional resources related to Metropolitan, Statewide & Non-Metropolitan Planning.

Transportation Management Area Planning Certification Review - October 2020 Summary Report

FHWA and FTA find Eastgate to be compliant with all applicable Federal transportation planning requirements, and therefore, jointly certify the transportation planning process in the Youngstown, OH-PA Transportation Management Area.

This report documents the certification review process and indicates three commendations highlighting noteworthy practice and two recommendations to enhance the overall transportation planning process. The recommendations and commendations are listed below.

View the Report

Desktop Review

The desktop review took place in June of 2020. The intent of the desktop review is for FHWA and FTA to identify any items or issues requiring specific discussion during the site visit. A review of Eastgate's planning documents was conducted as part of the desktop review. After completion of the desktop review a list of topics and questions was provided to the MPO staff to prepare for the site visit.

Eastgate Bylaws and/or formal operational procedures, staff organization chart, and committee structure

Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and any documentation on the development process

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and TIP Development processes

Documentation of MPO’s efforts of incorporating performance measures including Transportation Performance Measures (TPM), Transit Asset Management (TAM) targets and agreement, written provisions, and planning agreements

Congestion Management Process (CMP)

Bike and Pedestrian Plan

Public Participation Plan (PPP)

Title VI Plan - See Appendix 2 on pages 18-23 for Eastgate's Public Participation Process

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

Equal Opportunity policy and/or documentation

Eastgate Employee Handbook - See pages 3-4 for Equal Opportunity Policy

Environmental Justice (EJ) plan and/or documentation of EJ analysis

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan

Freight Plan and/or related freight planning information

Any existing planning related MOU/MOAs that Eastgate has with the transit agencies, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), and/or other planning agencies

FY 2019 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects

Any other pertinent MPO materials to showcase how the region conducts their 3-C planning process, including public outreach materials, visualization tools and other resources