LIVE Zone Final Report
The Mahoning Valley is positioned for greatness. Unfortunately, the loss of industries has not been kind to the area, resulting in continuing population and economic activity declines. The LIVE Zone initiative is the region’s opportunity to reverse course and once again become the center of growth and prosperity. The LIVE Zone Vision and Action Plan outlines the value of the LIVE Zone, an explanation of what is involved, and a road map to implementation.

Final Report Additional Documentation
2022 RAISE Grant Application
Application Narrative
Supplemental Documentation
About the LIVE Zone
Eastgate Regional Council of Governments and its partners have rebranded the Lordstown Smart Logistics Hub to the LIVE Zone. LIVE represents Logistics Innovation and Vehicle Electrification. The name is not the only change to this exciting groundbreaking initiative.
The LIVE Zone focuses on a radius of potential smart logistics, vehicle electrification and automated freight projects that leverages existing logistics and manufacturing centered around the Village of Lordstown and Jackson Township. Eastgate and its consultant team, led by Michael Baker International, are also speaking with elected officials and business and community leaders in the region to ensure wide-reaching and inclusive outreach throughout the Valley.
The consulting team is conducting research that is looking at potential projects up to 10 miles out from the Zone’s center. Eastgate - with Michael Baker International - is promoting the LIVE zone project by researching the needs of the area, understanding existing and potential investments, and developing a strategic plan that will allow funding opportunities and economic prosperity.
Potential Components of the LIVE zone
- Smart Corridors for the automated movement of freight
- Automated transfer yards for multiple freight modes
- Transit to connect to employment
- Electric vehicle charging and power generation
- Vehicle communication with traffic signals
- Regional distribution logistics system
- Regional transportation network improvements, including rail crossings, interchange improvements and traffic signal upgrades